Contact Us

We love to hear from people who love our soups as much as we do!
At BCI Foods Inc, we work hard every day to create delicious soups for our consumers. We welcome hearing any feedback, inspiration, recipes, stories or comments.
We have tried to provide some answers to questions that are often asked of us. These answers are in the FAQs. For anything else, we would be delighted to have you call us or send us a message!

Contact information:
BCI Foods Inc.
4800 Pinard Ave
St Hyacinthe, QC J2S 8E1 Canada

Toll Free: 1-888-797-3210
Phone lines are open 8:30 am to 4:00 pm EST, Monday through to Thursday.
We have a lot of people that regularly email or chat with us. We promise to respond to you as soon as we can, as you are important to us.